I have decided to try a dawn and dusk approach to the druidic rite. I can walk down every other furrow in the field in about an hour. I make a small pretense of weeding so the other hands don't get too creeped out with the druid stuff, as they call it. They think I am absurd taking care of the field the way I do, and I don't even know if it will have any effect. But I'm in it for a season, and we'll see.
The water in the pasture is rising, and we are starting to be able to drain some of it into the planted fields through a rather well thought out series of tiny canals. I asked Diana about the watering technique, and she credited the drainage ditches to Dale before he died.
She also explained that water rises each month as the moon waxes and recedes as it wanes. She also explained that each month it rises a little higher as we approach the solstices and the equinoxes. So even in the driest years there is some water available every third month.
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