Friday, June 11, 2010


There are a lot of rumors and myths about unicorns out there. I wanted to take a minute, and clear up some stuff. Unicorns are often thought of as master of the forest or keepers of the forest, but they are none of these. They are not particularly intimidating physical specimens, and they are particularly interested in preventing hurt to the forests in which they live.

Unicorns are more acurately described as an incarnation of the will of the forrest. It is true that they have great power to heal the hurts of a forest, whether that is by fire, disease, or destruction. They are much like a bodies immune system with ability to heal itself, and counter diseases and the like, but there is no preventative consideration. It is like the very concept of intentionally harming the forest is inconceivable. So, the idea of preventing intentional harm is equally inconceivable.

Unicorns communicate empathically. Whether it is with forest creatures, trees, humans, or even their own kind. The only audible sounds they make are things like pursing the lips, or shaking their mane, or sometimes a slight disturbance of the forest floor as they walk.

Some people have said that unicors can magically teleport from place to place. This is just a myth. They move like any other creature. They can run pretty fast, and are amazingly quiet, but they must run or walk from place to place.

To outsiders they seem to be everywhere at once, but in reality they share the conciousness of the entire firest, and simply watch or anticipate our movements from what the forest sees or feels.

Physical Appearance:
The general appearance of a unicorn has, for the most part, been protrayed accurately. The adults are all snow white in color with white manes to match. They can get dirty like any physical being, but will always wash in the purest of streams to get clean. The young are sometimes born with a pink or brownish tint to their coat, but that fades quickly to a pure white.

Unicorns do live in relatively stable and stationary communities. These communities are generally near the center of the forest in which they live, and often high in the mountains. They will live near a pure spring of water, and small lake when possible.

If you or I happen to stumble upon one of these communities we will probably not have any idea as the unicorns will retreat from view, and leave no disturbance to the area in which they live. If we were to be so barbaric as to establish a community in one of these valleys, the unicorns would simply leave, and find another place to live. Sadly, the most common way to destroy a forest is to chase the unicorns out leaving the forest without its greatest source of healing.

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